I walked into a pole on the way to school, not work, but still very humiliating. I did it several times after that. Blond material or what? Sorry to all you blonds out there. Don't hurt my okay? Rusty
Tim Horton
JoinedPosts by Tim Horton
I tried drilling through my hand today!
by Nosferatu ini tried drilling through my hand today, but it didn't work.
i was drilling a hole, and the drill slipped and sliced up my index finger.
how come the bigger injuries hurt less?
I threw out all MY JW literature today
by Tim Horton inhow many of you have come to that point and remember that day.
do you know the exact date.
Tim Horton
Blondie: What? That's way too scary to comprehend! Cheers Rusty
Tim Horton
Tell ya what? I'll take some of my chin hair and stick it on your head and we'll call it a day. Now, I'm a female with chin hair, how sad is that! But, I got that chin hair with age so I'm dang proud of it. GO Bald head, go female chin hair. nasty! Rusty
Tim Horton
Just find a woman with a bald head fettish. What's the problem? Or if your woman's happy why are you complaining, just tell her to keep rubbing your head! Men like that! winks, Rusty
I threw out all MY JW literature today
by Tim Horton inhow many of you have come to that point and remember that day.
do you know the exact date.
Tim Horton
How many of you have come to that point and remember that day. Do you know the exact date. I do! Today! November 3rd or 4th. It's kind of late. How did you feel? Was it invigorating? Was it sad? Did you feel nothing at all. I'm interested to know.
So much for "fading"... we're out!
by AlmostAtheist ingina just got off the phone with her mom.
we were tired of lying to these otherwise nice people, not to mention disinfecting the car of all "worldly" paraphenalia, and fearing the inevitable "pop-in" visit while holiday decorations are up.
she felt bad about it, and so did i. but now it's over.
Tim Horton
Hi Guys,
I'm sooooo sorry to hear the news about Gina's mom. You both have been so supportive to Mr. Horton and I. We really appreciate it. I'm sorry I haven't called you. I guess I'm used to people saying things and not really meaning them. I haven't had the guts to call and yet I have so wanted to talk to Gina. I'm a big weiner I guess. Scared weiner. I feel like we're living very similar lives. I'm not on speaking terms with my Mom either due to the so called " truth " Isn't the truth supposed to set you free. Kind of ironic isn't it. I really feel for you guys. More than you will ever know. It hurts so bad, I almost don't feel the pain anymore. I'm starting to go numb. Mr. Horton and I tried the councelling but have ended up seperating. That's not the matter at hand thought. I'm worried about you guys. I know all to well what it's like to hide. I've been doing some speaking up for myself as well. It feels good but really horrible at the same time. Maybe you can relate. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I do still believe in a creator, God, at this point. Tune in tomorrow, as I may have changed my mind. The world is a funny, complicated, place. Smiles, Chris -
I lost her.
by Fleur inmy beautiful, sweet, loving, kind grandmother passed away today.one of the only three people in my life who ever loved me unconditionally.
at the end they tell me she was not struggling, but for weeks before that, she did.
she suffered, horribly.
Tim Horton
Ahhhh, I'm so sorry for you and your loss. I lost my wonderful Grampa 8 years ago and I remember It as if it were yesterday. I cried my eyes out on his hospital bed when he passed on. I comfort myself in the hope that he's watching over me and loving me every second of the day. It does hurt so much at first but the pain slowly fades. I still have him in my dreams, sailing and laughing, playing cards,strolling, and swimming in
the salty ocean. You'll always have your special memories of and with your lovely Grandma. Cherish them. She was a wonderful woman who stood by you through thick and thin. I agree with Shotgun. I'm sure it is well deserved. ( HUGS) Rusty(Chris) -
If I knew-beautiful sentiments from my Daddy
by Tim Horton inif i knew it would be the last time that i'd see you fall asleep, i would tuck you in more tightly and pray the lord , your soul to keep.
if i knew it would be the last time, that i see you walk out the door, i would give you a hug and kiss and call you back for one more.
if i knew it would be the last time i'd hear your voice lifted up in praise, i would video tape each action word, so i could play them back day after day.
Tim Horton
If I knew it would be the last time that I'd see you fall asleep, I would tuck you in more tightly and pray the Lord , your soul to keep. If I knew it would be the last time, that I see you walk out the door, I would give you a hug and kiss and call you back for one more. If I knew it would be the last time I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise, I would video tape each action word, so I could play them back day after day. If I knew it would be the last time, I could spare an extra minute to stop and say " I LOVE YOU" instead of assuming you would KNOW I do. If I knew it would be the last time I would be there to share your day, Well I'm sure you'll have so many more, so I can let just this one slip away. For surely there's always tomorrow to make up for an oversight, and we always get a second chance to make everything just right. There will always be another day to say " I love you", and certainly there's another chance to say our "Anything I can do?" But just in case I might be wrong, and today is all I get , I'd like to say how much I love you and I hope we never forget. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone, young or old alike, and today may be the last chance you get to hold you loved one tight. So if you're waiting for tomorrow, why not do it today? For if tomorrow never comes, you'll surely regret the day, That you didn't take that extra time for a smile, a hug, or a kiss, and you were too busy to grant someone, what turned out to be their one last wish. So hold your loved ones close today, and whisper in their ear, Tell them how much you love them and that you'll always hold them dear. Take time to say " I'm sorry," "Please forgive me", " Thank you", or "It's okay". And if tomorrow never comes, you'll have no regrets about today. That's my Dear old Dad, He always knows the right thing to say at the right time. I hope his words comfort you the way they have me. I plan to live by them. Dear old Dad's version of THE BIBLE. Hugs to all, CHRISSIE -(I do plan to get my own post name just having some problems setting it up)
My daughter and granddaughter.
by kat2u inthis may be a bit long,,, sorry,.
my daughter t was born when i was a married witness,i was almost 21.she was a very sweet outgoing loving child.when she was 4 i had another daughter s .
lol this one was my challenge when she was little but is now such a joy to me.. anyway t began school at 5 and seemed to be doing well with school and her friends.. just about a month after she began 1st grade we had stopped to eat lunch while out in service.t suddenly made a strange noise she looked off into space with a strange stare and wouldnt respond to anything we said or did.i was in a panic by the time she began talking again and told us that she heard us but couldnt answer us at that point.demons?was my first thought but as i began to ask her about it then i began to feel she had had a small seizure.
Tim Horton
This morning I told you a bit about myself, just to let you know that I really deeply understand. Deeling with the medical/doctors giving you the run around. I have been through this myself and so has my mom with her muscular dystrophy. I cried my eyes out this morning when I read your post so I am sorry if I rambled quite a bit. I was very upset. I can't believe that human beings can treat others of their kind in such a manner. We truly are worse than animals. I put more faith in a dog than I do in Mankind. Sad but true. I hope your daughter will someday see the treasure that you truly are as I can see it just in those two posts today. All the best to you. Tim horton's wife-Chrissie. I know that others will agree that you are a treasure, a wonderful woman, mother and grandmother. smiles and hugs-Stepmom
My daughter and granddaughter.
by kat2u inthis may be a bit long,,, sorry,.
my daughter t was born when i was a married witness,i was almost 21.she was a very sweet outgoing loving child.when she was 4 i had another daughter s .
lol this one was my challenge when she was little but is now such a joy to me.. anyway t began school at 5 and seemed to be doing well with school and her friends.. just about a month after she began 1st grade we had stopped to eat lunch while out in service.t suddenly made a strange noise she looked off into space with a strange stare and wouldnt respond to anything we said or did.i was in a panic by the time she began talking again and told us that she heard us but couldnt answer us at that point.demons?was my first thought but as i began to ask her about it then i began to feel she had had a small seizure.
Tim Horton
(((Kat))) I read your post and I am so sickened and upset to hear this. A bit of my story. I will try to be short. When I was 6 years old I was in a very bad boating accident ( mast hit my head, I fell backwards into the cockpit down 6-7 feet onto my head again) One month later I started to have seizures. I had them at the kingdom hall, everywhere. I would go blind and deaf and twitch all over the place. I took various kinds of medication to control them(fenobarb etc, dilantin). My teen years were horrible. I was afraid of people. I would hide in my room so as not to go to school. Afraid of seizures, teasing etc. My mom is handicapped( muscular dystrophy) I have stuck by her my whole life. Cleaning, cooking, gardening. This whole summer I spent building their deck. When I hit 14 I got really rebellious. I picked the worst possible guy ever. A 19 year old skin head. He beat me called me names, stalked me, it was horrible. After that, another horrible guy who cheated on me various times and beat me some more. I can't comprehend why your daughter is doing this to you. She sounds selfish. I'm sorry to say that. Maybe she has emotional problems like myself. I am one messed up cookie right now.My mom and sister have disowned me as well. So Kat if you need a daughter I'll fill in anytime. I'm always there for you because I need a Mom too. Love Chris